Step-by-Step Implementation Process

Here is your step-by-step process for implementing the Heart Health Messaging Intervention. If you have questions or need support along the way, feel free to contact your TN Heart Health Network Practice Facilitator.

Step 1

Identify the key contact staff from your practice that will:

  • Oversee the intervention and serve as the key contact for the TN Heart Health Network Practice Facilitator

Step 2

Meet with your TN Heart Health Network Practice Facilitator to fill out the Function & Form Matrix and the Memo of Agreement (MoA). These documents will walk you through the selection of options that will tailor the intervention to your needs and interests.

Step 3

Ensure that your patient data has been sent via secure transfer to the Tennessee Population Health Data Network (TN-POPnet)

  • If you have questions or need assistance with this process, please contact your TN Heart Health Network practice facilitator and they will connect you with our TN-POPnet staff

Step 4

Introduce Heart Health Messaging Intervention to clinic staff using PowerPoint Presentation for Overview of Heart Health Messaging Intervention

  • This ensures that they are familiar with the program and can respond to patient inquiries

Step 5

Post marketing materials around your clinic to familiarize patients with the program and assist with enrollment

  • This should occur before the initial welcome/enrollment email goes out to your patients

Step 6

Meet with the TN Heart Health Network support staff to discuss the Sustainability Plan

Download this PDF document for a quick checklist of the step-by-step process